Content of Nape Tutorials

Hi guys, welcome to my Blog, and if you come here not by accidental, while by search Nape relative stuff, I prepared this post for you.

Recently , I am trying to translate Nape tutorials in to English for who can not read Chinese , you can get these posts on official Nape forum from here.  and I list the linkage as below, thanks for your visit.

By the way you can try to contact with you by email , I will do what I can to help you!

  1. [Tutorial-1] Hello Nape Space
  2. [Tutorial-2]Create body in simple Shape
  3. [Tutorial-3]Understanding Material class


公众号:拉小登 | 微博:拉登Dony | B站:拉小登Excel

4 Replies to “Content of Nape Tutorials”

  1. 之前看过你翻译的ImageEffect的一些文章,应该对BitmapData研究挺深的,所以想请教一个问题。游戏中实现人物Avatar(影片剪辑),为了提高渲染效率,将Avatar通过BitmapData.draw方法转换位图进行渲染,但是draw的性能不高,目前瓶颈在这个部分,想问一下有没有替代解决方案或者优化方法。

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